8 Outstanding tips to Creating a Marketing Campaign: An Ultimate Guide

A campaign is a series of organized actions which are done for one purpose. Its purpose states what needs to change and to what extent. Ideally, the purpose should fit into a single sentence and short sentence and be designed in a way that can be fully understood by all participants in the campaign.

The advertising campaign is a series of messages that share a single idea to integrated marketing communication. It utilizes diverse media channels over a particular time frame and target audiences.

The theme of the campaign is a central message that will be received in the promotional activities, as it sets the major properties for the series of individual advertisements and other marketing communications that will be used. Theme’s objectives usually are to be used for a significant period but many of them are temporal due to factors of being not effective or market conditions.


Difference between marketing and advertising

Marketing is about how a company raises awareness of its brand to convince customers to make a purchase.

Advertising is a promotion of a product or service to a viewership in order to increase interest, engagement, and sales.

Advertising is a part of marketing. Let’s dig a little deeper into both, it will help you to review the difference between, paid, owned, and earned marketing.

1.      Paid marketing- This involves a company paying a publisher to place marketing communications. Ex- Billboards, broadcast, print ads, search engine ads, social media ads, and direct mail.

2.      Owned marketing- This involves a company using its own channels to place marketing communications. Ex- Retail merchandising, websites, business blogs, brochures, social media, and press releases.

3.       Earned marketing- This involves external communication about the company from third-party actors. Ex- Online reviews, newspaper, magazine, articles, social media endorsement, customer demonstration, and types of external publicity.

Advertising is typically limited to the domain of paid media. On the other hand, marketing strategies can have an impact on all three types of marketing. Identify the customer needs and wants, and evaluate the best way to meet them.

Marketing controls how a company advertises in paid media, it also dedicates how a company communicates through its own media.


Components of Marketing Campaign-

A successful campaign depends on different factors. It includes planning, execution, and result. To maximize the chances of your success here we have identified the major components-


1.     Define your Goal

Your main goal may be to sell more products, it usually is not simple. What would you like to accomplish with your new marketing campaign? You can’t have one strategy designed to attract the customers, by providing the right product. You should create marketing campaigns that have one main goal. Your campaign goal may be-

i>                Gain more followers.

ii>              Attract more viewers through a video or a blog post.

iii>             Acquire new customers.

iv>             Increase customer value.

v>              Increase revenue.

vi>             Grow an Email list.

vii>           Drive more click-through.

Your campaign should have a unique goal that you’d like to achieve by the end of your promotion. Writing the Goal is absolutely critical, as nothing is made official until it is marked.

To analyze organic traffic to your campaign you can use Google Analytics. Google Analytics identifies a user by using the user’s browser cookies.

After defining the Goal, it is time to create a timing for your marketing campaign.


2.     Define your target audiences

Who are your target audiences? Defining your target audiences will help you to create a tone of voice that really speaks to your customers. These steps will help you to define your target audience-

i>                Define who are not your target audiences.

ii>              Identify their basic demography like age, gender, education, income, occupation, geographic location, and marital status.

iii>             Identify their interest- What do they watch on TV and on social media. How do they spend their spare time? What is their purpose to use social media? Which online application they are using. What do they browse on the internet?

iv>             Identify what type of content can grab their attention.

v>              Identify what type of problem they have and how your products or services can solve them.

vi>             Analyse your competitors.

vii>           Use Google analytics.

Your marketing message will depend on your campaign audiences in the awareness, consideration, or decision stage.

3.     Determine your campaign measurement

Measuring the success of a marketing campaign involves using key performance metrics (KPIs). Here is the list of KPIs that will help you measure the success of your marketing campaign.

i>                Return on investment (ROI)- This is a common metric that measures your investment vs. earning.

ii>              Cost per win- This is the measurement of each sale against the overall cost of marketing. You can use it to compare campaigns against each other to identify which performs better.

iii>             Cost per lead- It focuses on a number of leads rather than sales.

iv>             Conversion rate- This is the measurement of no. of visitors vs. generated leads.

v>              Cost per conversion- It measures how much it costs to convert a website visitor into a buying customer.

vi>             Cost per acquisition- It relates to new customers and measures how much it costs to gain one through marketing and advertising.

vii>           Click-through rate (CTR)- It measures how many people click on your campaign compared to the total no. of impressions the campaign made.


4.     Choose the right channels to run your campaign

Choosing the right channel to reach the right audiences, requires a lot of research time, in-depth marketing, digital communication, and business management expertise. It depends on your audience preference, budget, and brand engagement level, among other factors.

Research the current media channels that you will use to promote your company. Here few questions arise –

i>                Which channel performs best?

ii>              Which one allows you to pay for advertisement?

iii>             Which has the best engagement?

iv>             On which channels, your costumers are hanging out?

Here is the list of some famous digital advertising channels-

·        Google Ads.

·        Microsoft Bing Ads.

·        Quora

·        In App Ads.

·        Apple search Ads.

·        Social media Ads. Ex- Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumbler etc.

·        Shopping Ads.

·        Amazon Ads.

·        Spotify Ads.

·        Metasearch/Hotel Ads.

·        Online Travel Agencies


5.     Set a timeline for your campaign

Every business should establish campaign timelines to convert a potential customer into buyers. Establishing a deadline for your campaign gives you an idea of when and how you will promote it.

What are campaign timelines? The timelines help you to monitor current and upcoming campaigns. Timelines help you see an overview of when you have scheduled campaign tasks, that can help you to plan your work and communicate goals and deadlines.

It also helps you organize tasks by showing which team members are responsible for completing campaign objectives. Here is how to do it-

1.      Consider your campaign type that your plan is to implement.

2.      Build a general timeline and mark dates and deadlines on a calendar. I would like to recommend you Google calendar.

3.      Choose best marketing channels and work backward from the campaign launch date. Understand how often you can afford to your post, based on your content to promote your campaign.

4.      Map your scheduled posts, email, etc. on your calendar.

5.      Be aware of your personal work habits that may help you to set realistic expectations for your timeline.

6.      Create timelines for each campaign with the title of the campaign, start date and end date, the team responsible for the project, project budget, and goals.


6. Host in-person or online events

Events are not only a great way to interact with your customers and humanize your company, but they give tangible growth to your business.

·        Most marketers believe that event- marketing is the single most effective marketing channel. 80% of marketers believe that live events are critical to their company’s success.

·        A biggest amount 95% of marketers agree that live events provide attendees with a valuable opportunity to form in-person connections in the digital world.

If you are unable to host an in-person event, a virtual online event can be beneficial to you. You can expand your audiences around the world via online events. You can deliver more value by providing more information about your business.


7. Understand the current cultural tensions

Every brand has an impact on culture. Find out what impact your brand can make on the culture. Identify what problems or affairs today are addressed by your industry.

This concept is based on the convenience that brands have a chance for spectacular success always when they are solving crises and conflicts appearing in the society.


8. Make your campaign attractive

If people will not your campaign, your will waste your money. You should hire an experienced team to create an effective campaign. Protein world's ‘are you beach body ready’ ads on London Underground elicited a barrage of complaints over body shaming but Protein World’s CEO stuck with the campaign and their sales tripled.

Campaign play upon people’s emotions is a proven way to increase their reach as people are far more likely to talk about stories that have an emotional pull. Engaging with a charity is a good way to gain more attention with trust.

In many cases marketing campaigns have failed to get across to people what they are promoting, so make sure your campaign communicates your message.

Good greens health foods is a brand that used only networking from friendly local bloggers. It has built its brand from nothing.          



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