20 Interesting Facts About Cisco You Must Know/Case Study

 20 Interesting facts about Cisco you must know


Cisco Systems Inc. is an American technology company founded in 1984 and its headquarter is in San Jos, California. Cisco is a leading supplier of communications and computer networking products, systems, and services. The company’s products are routers, switches, remote devices, protocol translators, internet services devices, network management software, and cyber security services.



1.    Cisco was founded by a husband and wife named Leonard Bosack and Sandra Lerner from Stanford University, California.

2.    Bosack was the manager of the computer science department and Lerner oversaw the computer science department’s laboratory.


3.    Both tried to sell internet-working technology to existing companies but no one was interested.

4.    Then they decided to start their own business named Cisco Systems. This name came from the short form of San Francisco while they were driving across the Golden Gate Bridge and the company’s logo was designed in the shape of the Golden Gate Bridge.

5.    Both were joined by 3 colleagues name Greg Setz, Bill Westfield, and Krik Lougheed as cofounders.

6.    Stanford University later tried to obtain $11 million in licensing fees from any new company. But the university settled it for $150,000.

7.    Their budget was too low.

8.    They had to mortgage their house and they defer their salaries to their friends to work for them.



9.    Cisco shipped its first product in 1986 and became the first company that provide a commercial multi-protocol router.

10. After one year the company was selling $250,000 worth of routers per month.

11. In 1987 the sale was $1.5 million, at that time company had only eight employees.

12.The company had marked routers to research centers, universities, the aviation industry, and government organizations.



13. In 1988 the company had a high rate of sales growth but still short of cash.

14. Then a highly educated and well-experienced person John Morgridge joined the company as CEO.

15. Morgridge replaced several managers of Cisco, with more qualified and experienced executives.

16. In 1990 the company became public and Bosack and Lerner started selling shares.

17. At the end of July 1990 the sales were $69.8 million and the company had 254 employees.



18. In the presence of CEO Morgridge, Bosack was under the title of Chief Scientist and Lerner was the head of Customer Service.

19. In August Bosack and Learner quit the company. And they sold their remaining stock for $100 million, for total business interest of about $200 million.

20. Finally Bosack and Learner gave away the maximum amount of the profits to charities.

Source: Encyclopedia


Few questions about Cisco-


Who is Cisco’s biggest competitor?

Juniper Network is the top competitor of Cisco.


What is Cisco famous for?

Cisco is famous for its computer networking products.


What does CISCO stand for?

CISCO: Commercial & Industrial Security Corporation.


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